This Project, created and coordinated by Francesco Pigozzo and Daniela Martinelli, is addressed to the italian art schools, Licei Artistici, Musicali and Choreutic, as it developed, for the first time, the European Awareness Days in an exemplary model of "alternanza scuola-lavoro" that combines civic education and artistic training
All the events of the EUMAN Project:
- On Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at the renowned Teatro degli Arcimboldi in collaboration with the Municipality of Milan, the conclusive European Awareness Day took place. The event involved more than 1000 citizens of Milan and its interland: high school students and teachers, non-profit, cultural and social associations, representatives of national, regional and local istitutions, members of the academical world and normal people. The event was opened by Lorenzo Lipparini, assessor of the Municipality of Milan (participation and open data) and it was closed by a debate with the audience led by Dr. Francesco Pigozzo, one of the coordinators of the EUMAN Project. During the debate some representatives of the istitution spoke, in detail:
- Massimo Gaudina, Head of the Office in Milan of the Representation in Italy of the European Commission;
- Bruno Marasà, Head of the Office in Milan of the European Parliament Information Offices;
- Roberto Castaldi, associate professor of political philosophy at eCampus University;
- Luisa Trumellini, Italian Secretary of the Movimento Federalista Europeo,
- Fabio Masini, associate professor of Theories and History of International Economic Relations at University of Roma Tre.
- During the event the award ceremony for the winning students of It's.EUMAN! contest took place. Both the winning works are born in the field of figurative art and had the merit of representing the link between the individual events of the people who migrate to our continent and the still ambiguous situation in which European Union lies: one of the two works representes positively, as a dream of a land of hope and felt as unique through the EU flag; the other representes negatively, through the symbolic and powerful call to the fratricidal divisions from which the European Union itself was born, namely the wars of the early twentieth century - divisions which today reverberate instead towards impotence and irresponsibility in the face of "external" problems (Mediterranean tragedies).
In the following two videos the authors aimed to capture the production process of their respective works:
di Melissa Mele e Maria Zamara,
classe 3C, dell'Istituto I.I.S.S: De Nittis - Pascali di Bari
di Maria Giuliano, Isabella Paolicchio e Sofia Salzo,
classe 5C, dell'Istituto I.I.S.S: De Nittis - Pascali di Bari
- Friday, 28 April, 2017, at Teatro Sociale in Busto Arsizio (VA) was played the Partecipative European Awareness Day by CesUE's group with and the students of Liceo Candiani - Baush and other Licei of Lombardia: here, a brief videoclip from the show.
- Monday 13 mMarch 2017, Aula Magna of Liceo Candiani - Baush, in Busto Arsizio (VA): third meeting of deepening with Francesco Pigozzo on "Migrazione. Una priorità per la Commissione Europea".
- Friday, 20 jannuary 2017, Aula Magna of Liceo Candiani - Baush, in Busto Arsizio (VA): second meeting of deepening with Francesco Pigozzo on "Capire i fenomeni migratori contemporanei".
- Monday 12 december 2016, Aula Magna of Liceo Candiani - Baush , in Busto Arsizio (VA): first meeting of deepening with Francesco Pigozzo on "L'Unione Europea questa sconosciuta".
- Monday 28 november 2016, Liceo Candiani (Busto Arsizio, VA): selection screenings for instrumentalists, singers and actors involved in the training course aimed at staging "Europe: what a passion!".
- Monday 14 November 2016, Sala Tramogge (Municipality of Busto Arsizio, VA): opening conference of the EUMAN project and the Educational Experimentation for the partecipatory European Awareness Day.
EUMAN was the first unilateral project of CesUE (International Centre for European and Global Governance) within the Erasmus+ program after years of experience in the field of European Civic Education developed through prestigious collaborations with Italian and European Universities, Institutions and think tanks.
EUMAN has experimented a virtuous model of education for European Awareness Citizenship, actually based on teaching throught "reality tasks" or "authentic" and on the acquisition of skills (including professional ones) as a synergistic training task to acquire know-how, taking advantage of the best practice in European Communication by the European Awareness Days format.
EUMAN activities, scheduled for the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 (first semester) were as follow:
- In most of the italian regions, CesUE led a training morning at one of the partner school, open to the participation of classes of other artistic, musical and choreutical high schools, presenting:
- a screening of the Recital "Europe: what a Passion!" in the version shot and aired by RAI Cultura (a musical recital that tells the story of the European integration process from the World War II to the present days) as an example of artistic creation inspired by the problem of European unification process
- a dialogical lesson led by a CesUE, expert trainer, focused on the relationship between the EU, the mass-migration to Europe and the political instability on the EU borders;
- the national creative contest It's.EUMAN! : the contest was addressed to groups of students (at least two students or more, or classes-groups or schools-groups). CesUE produced two editions of the contest to realise the production of original cross-media works in all the fields of literary, figurative, audiovisual and/or performative arts. Each work was presented by a video that show the creative process.
- CesUE in parallel with these activities, experimented in collaboration with a previously selected school (the Liceo Candiani-Bausch of Busto Arsizio) an original training project dedicated to the same target of the Artistic, Musical and Coreutic Licei. The project has allowed to validate and make available to high schools a structured activity of citizenship education, capable of enhancing the practical knowledge and specific skills that characterize the high schools involved. Dance, music, graphic arts and audiovisuals have been involved together with the humanities in a workshop that has provided opportunities for common training around basic knowledge about the EU, the central theme of the project (mass-migrations and EU) and laboratory paths distinguished by subject in which groups of students have acquired the various practical knowledge necessary to realize a European Awareness Day event in all the parts the composed it. The event was staged, with the support of the Municipality of Busto Arsizio, at the local Teatro Sociale and it was seen by several hundred students, of the same age of the students that realized the show, caming from all over Lombardia.
- As follow-up activity of the project, with the value of further dissemination of project's results, the prestigious Teatro degli Arcimboldi of Milan - with the patronage of the Municipality of Milan - hosted a European Awareness Day, organized by Cesue's professional crew, which involved more than a thousand of people, high school students, representatives of associations and institutions and normal people from all over Lombardia.
Partners of the project:
- Partnership letter of Rete nazionale Licei Artistici Italiani
- Partnership letter of Rete nazionale "Qualità e sviluppo dei Licei Musicali e Coreutici"
- Partnership letter of Rappresentanza della Commisione europea in Italia
- Partnership letter of Rai Cultura
- Partnership letter of FASI.biz
- Partnership letter of Liceo Candiani - Baush
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