It is time for European unity not national division.

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Appeal to the European Council to call a Convention to reform the EU


All European citizens are invited to sign this appeal that just in a few days of confidential circulation was signed by more than 150 personalities from academia, civil society, business community, of different political views and from all over the EU, and even outside, some of them with institutional experience.


Read and sign the appeal


Quale riforma dell’UE? - RiformE locandina Quale riforma dellUE RiformE

EuropeanAwarenessDay banner

europa fake news 3


Last update 10 January 2025

La Romania si avvia a diventare il maggior produttore di gas dell’Unione europea

by Georgi Gotev - translated by Cesare Ceccato - 10 Jan 2025 on EURACTIV Italia


È ora di una riforma profonda degli indici europei della sorveglianza degli squilibri macroeconomici

by Luca Jahier - 7 Jan 2025

Negli ultimi giorni dell’anno un articolo di Marco Fortis sull’Italia al primo posto nell’Unione europea per minori squilibri (Italia al primo posto nell’Unione europea per minori squilibri, Il Sole 24 ore, 24 dicembre 2024) ha ...


Idrogeno 2.0 per rafforzare il ruolo dell’UE come leader mondiale

by Michaela Holl and Oleksiy Tatarenko - translated by Sara Bertolli - 20 Dec 2024

La Commissione europea ha un’opportunità d’oro per sviluppare una “strategia per l’idrogeno 2.0” che sia più...


There is no translation available.

The EU for All - Lesson 2.1 (update 20 august 2018)

The EU for All - Lesson 2.2 (update 20 august 2018)

The EU for All - Lesson 2.3 (update 20 august 2018)

The EU for All - Lesson 3.1 premessa (update 10 September 2018)

The EU for All - Lesson 3.2 (update 27 august 2018)

The EU for All - Lesson 3.3 (update 10 September 2018)

The EU for All - Lesson 4.1 (update 02 october 2018)


The EU for All - Lesson 4.2 (update 03 october 2018)

The EU for All - Lesson 6.1 (update 25 october 2018)

The EU for All - Lesson 7.1 (update 5 november 2018)

There is no translation available.

CORSO DI STORIA - Lesson 1 PT in deepth with subs (update to 9 june 2018)

CORSO DI STORIA - Lesson 2 PT in deepth with subs (update to 25 june 2018)

CORSO DI STORIA - Lesson 3 PT in deepth with subs (update to 29 june 2018)

CORSO DI STORIA - Lesson 4 PT in deepth with subs (update to 1 july 2018)

CORSO DI STORIA - Lesson 5 PT in deepth with subs (update to 20 july 2018)

CORSO DI STORIA - Lesson 6 PT in deepth with subs (update to 20 july 2018)

CORSO DI STORIA - Lesson 7 PT in deepth with subs (update to 5 September 2018)

CORSO DI STORIA - Lesson 8 PT in deepth with subs (update to 5 september 2018)

CORSO DI STORIA - Lesson 9 PT in deepth with subs (update to 5 september 2018)

CORSO DI STORIA - Lesson 10 PT in deepth with subs (update to 5 september 2018)

CORSO DI STORIA - Lesson 11 PT in deepth with subs (update to 5 september 2018)

CORSO DI STORIA - Lesson 12 PT in deepth with subs (update to 5 september 2018)

There is no translation available.

Corso "Prospettive..." videolezioni con subs

Awareu IT003 Prospettive lezione 2.2 Castaldi - Integration and Construction (update to 16/07/2018)

Awareu IT003 Prospettive - Lezione 5.1 Masini - Monetary System (update to 14/07/2018)

awareu IT003 Prospettive lez 5.2 Castaldi - Squilibri (update to 04/07/2018)

Awareu IT003 Prospettive lezione 5.3 Castaldi - Politics and Economics (update to 16/07/2018)

Awareu IT003 Prospettive - Lezione 7.1 Masini - Crisis From US to EU (update to 14/07/2018)

Awareu IT003 Prospettive lezione 7.2 Castaldi - Crisi e Paradossi (update to 01/07/2018)

Awareu IT003 Prospettive - Lezione 8 - The sovereign debt crisis (AULA8 update to 26/10/2018)

Awareu IT003 Prospettive - Lezione 8.6 Masini - Italy's Debt (update to 11/07/2018)

Awareu IT003 Prospettive - Lezione 10.2 Castaldi - National Politics (update to 22/08/2018)


Awareu IT003 Prospettive - Lezione 11.6 Castaldi - The Maastricht Logic (update to 22/08/2018)

Awareu IT003 Prospettive - Lezione 13.2 Castaldi - The Importance of Size (update to 20/08/2018)

Awareu IT003 Prospettive - Lezione 14.1 Castaldi - The Pacific Shift (update to 20/08/2018)

Awareu IT003 Prospettive - Lezione 15.3 Visone - Xenofobia (update to 03/09/2018)


Awareu IT003 Prospettive - Lezione 16 - Energy... (AULA16 update to 26/10/2018)

Awareu IT003 Prospettive - Lezione 18.6 Castaldi - Civilization (update to 27/08/2018)

There is no translation available.

Cours L'intégration Européenne leçon 1-12

L'Intégration Européenne leçon 1

L'Intégration Européenne leçon 2

L'Intégration Européenne leçon 3

L'Intégration Européenne leçon 4

L'Intégration Européenne leçon 5

L'Intégration Européenne leçon 6

L'Intégration Européenne leçon 7 partie 1

L'Intégration Européenne leçon 7 partie 2

L'Intégration Européenne leçon 8

L'Intégration Européenne leçon 9

L'Intégration Européenne leçon 10

L'Intégration Européenne leçon 11

L'Intégration Européenne leçon 12

Awareu IT003 Prospettive - Lecon 8.6 Masini Italy's Debt subs it,fr(update to 16/07/2018)

Prospettive lezione 14.2 The Middle East and North Africa

Prospettive lezione 15.4 titolo provvisorio

Prospettive lezione 14.4 Turkey by A. Glencross

There is no translation available.




Appeal to the European Council to call a Convention to reform the EU


All European citizens are invited to sign this appeal that just in a few days of confidential circulation was signed by more than 150 personalities from academia, civil society, business community, of different political views and from all over the EU, and even outside, some of them with institutional experience.


Read and sign the appeal