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European Citizens' initiative for a European Defence


Against the growing global instability, against the changing geopolitical orientation of the US administration, against the inability to take effective action to resolve conflicts, from the invasion of Ukraine to the war in Gaza, which undermine Europe's stability and security, ‘Europeans must finally take responsibility for their own security’. This is the appeal launched to all European citizens, an appeal for a common European defence that all of you are invited to sign up.


Read and sign up


È l’ora della difesa europea Una difesa europea

una piazza per leuropa 15 marzo roma

europa fake news 3


Last update 12 March 2025

La Russia si dice cauta sulla proposta di tregua in Ucraina, gli USA riprendono gli aiuti a Kyiv

by Simone Cantarini - 12 Mar 2025 on EURACTIV Italia


Il momento delle scelte: per l’Europa, per l’Italia, per Meloni

by Roberto Castaldi - 4 Mar 2025

Il presidente americano Trump ha sospeso gli aiuti militari all’Ucraina, che non potrà resistere a lungo senza un forte sostegno europeo. È arrivato il momento della scelta per l’Europa, per l’Italia, per...


L’amministrazione della difesa dell’UE è in una situazione di limbo nonostante la retorica militare della Commissione

by Aurélie Pugnet - translated by Euractiv Italia - 4 Mar 2025

La Direzione Generale per l’attuazione della politica di difesa dell’UE ha vissuto negli ultimi mesi un’intensa trasformazione che riflette il crescente spazio che...


publication 3The number 39 of the series I Quaderni della Ricerca di Loescher is in all the bookshops. Born from the multi-level experiences of the Accordo di Programmaand the pilot group to introduce the European dimension in the teaching of "Citizenship and Constitution" in the Italian school system.

The CesUE's founders contributed as experts to the work of the pilot group and in the volume with 3 essays.


  • 6.10. L’arte per appassionare i cittadini al racconto dell’Europa
    di Daniela Martinelli, Francesco Pigozzo

  • 6.11. Il progetto AwarEU: una piattaforma digitale multilingue per la formazione permanente in materia di cittadinanza europea
    di Roberto Castaldi

  • 7.2. Contenuti e attività della proposta formativa
    di Roberto Castaldi, Fabio Masini, Francesco Pigozzo



European Citizens' initiative for a European Defence


Against the growing global instability, against the changing geopolitical orientation of the US administration, against the inability to take effective action to resolve conflicts, from the invasion of Ukraine to the war in Gaza, which undermine Europe's stability and security, ‘Europeans must finally take responsibility for their own security’. This is the appeal launched to all European citizens, an appeal for a common European defence that all of you are invited to sign up.


Read and sign up